Changelog #013

January 26th, 2024 - Next.js Integration, Webhook Support & Custom Code Samples

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Community Contributors ✨

We wanted to give a shoutout to the open-source contributors who shipped some great work on the Open-Source repository:

Stoked to see this in production and bettering the Scalar API References ✨

Next.js Integration

Are you building with Next.js? Need to document your OpenAPI/Swagger spec? We got you covered with our new Next.js Integration (and an amazing theme)! You can get started with it here .

Custom Code Samples

We now support custom request examples! You can add one of the following keys to your OpenAPI/Swagger spec and we will render the example in the preview:

  • x-custom-examples (our default)
  • x-codeSamples (redocly)
  • x-code-samples (redocly, deprecated)


This week we shipped Webhooks, moving us closer towards full OAS support. With OAS webhooks you can define asynchronous requests that your service will send to some other service in response to events. Updated to the latest version of the Scalar API References and now your webhooks will render ✨.

Fixes & Improvements

So much work was put into smaller improvements + UX of our app, all the small details make the world of difference ✨

  • chore: add the next Townhall to the README (#879)
  • fix: example spec on mobile (#875)
  • feat: better schema support for parameters, fix #862 (#864)
  • fix: allow response to scroll horizontally (#876)
  • style: no text wrap for method badges, fix #871 (#872)
  • chore: improve types (#873)
  • feat: operation scoped security, fix #532 fix #843 (#849)
  • feat: use schema examples, fix #867 (#869)
  • feat: custom request examples (#870)
  • chore: emojify the issue template title
  • chore: fix issue template
  • chore: update issue config
  • chore: update the issue template with less fields, add sandbox
  • fix: move next.js adapter to api routes (#866)
  • docs(changeset): chore: allow Next.js 14 (#865)
  • feat: nullable properties, fix #855 (#859)
  • feat: description with images, see #842, fix #855 (#858)
  • feat(#835): create nextjs adapter for references (doc-1476) (#854)
  • docs(changeset): feat: export SidebarElement and SidebarGroup
  • feat: export SidebarGroup, SidebarElement from api-reference #781 (#857)
  • fix: only activate hotkey if component is active (#851)
  • chore: github action workflow to deploy scalar preview (#804)
  • fix: additional properties false is ignored (#846)
  • fix: deal with incomplete schemas (#848)
  • fix: remove trailing slash from windows.location.origin
  • docs(changeset): fix: Restoring missing forward slash between URL and API routes
  • Fix edge case of window.location.origin not ending in a forward slash. (#844)
  • feat: webhooks (#836)
  • feat: show security scheme name and description, fix #792 (#793)
We are incredibly grateful for the Scalar community, all the feedback has been truly inspiring, helps guide us to prioritize fixes and we are looking forward to releasing more features and fixes for the next changelog ✨

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CEO & Co-Founder, Scalar