Changelog #016

Feb 16th, 2024 - Scalar Docs Launch Prep & Fixes

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Scalar Docs Launch Prep & Fixes

We are all about moving fast with incremental improvements, yet we have also been cooking up something big since January! It's still a bit too early to fully share but this changelog has foundational work we needed for a better offline onboarding experience.

Here's a sneak preview :)

  • fix: updated scroll region padding to for chrome update
  • fix: resize classic intro cards for difference screen sizes
  • chore: switch tailwind to use px values
  • refactor: use own helper instead of javascript-time-ago
  • chore: remove use keyboard event
  • fix: wrap request HTTP type in url
  • feat: add show more button to request variables and path params
  • chore: update deploy preview triggers
  • feat: allow configuration of request proxy via env variable or dev toolbar
  • fix: changeset broken
  • refactor: move components around, remove unused code
  • chore: clean up CodeMirror CSS
  • chore: serve openapi file for express example
  • fix: path is not prefixed
  • chore: remove unused code
  • ci: rename ci job
  • chore: update workspace dependencies
  • feat: prefill authentication
  • chore: remove use clipboard package
  • docs: add laravel scribe guide
  • chore: use vitest workspaces
  • fix: remove type="text" from the search button placeholder span
We are incredibly grateful for the Scalar community, all the feedback has been truly inspiring, helps guide us to prioritize fixes and we are looking forward to releasing more features and fixes for the next changelog ✨

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CEO & Co-Founder, Scalar